Even Though…
“Oh, the discrepancies between everything we want and what we need.” The first time I heard this song we were going through a rough time. I felt like my whole world was turning upside down. Grasping at anything solid to hold onto I reached for stability that no one but God can provide. You’ve had those times too, I imagine. The ones that have you crying out for some kind of salvation, some kind of provision so your soul does starve and your body go hungry.
Envisioning Again
If singers invite us to immerse in truth carried on a song, then poets invite us to envision what we know deep down but can’t yet see. Poets are able to show vision’s path because they notice the nuances of life, of heart, of what’s real. Each nuance tugs open the curtains hanging on our eyes and nudges over the coverings on our hearts. When this happens, we get glimpses of what we desired all along. To be loved and to love. To know this desire is a true gift of God, For it is desire that stirs hunger, and hunger which drives us to seek Truth, which is Jesus.
Soul Singing
Music. How I love it. The variety of it, the colors of it, the emotion and the way you get to express in notes what you sometimes can’t say in words. I love that you get to act silly or passionate and give yourself over to the life of the music which somehow shifts the singing from something you do to something you sink into. It becomes soulish. It’s infectious with its gladness and invitation. No wonder the Lord is easily found in song.
And We Will…
Oh, the invitations that come when we stop to notice what is happening in us, around us, for us, because of us. We see what we didn’t see before. We find feelings we didn’t know were there. We uncover longings to be part of something larger…to belong in a way that matters.
Living Awake
Recently I was part of a prayer group that encircled Revelation 3:20-21. I say encircled because we listened, imagined and pondered the many riches of imagery in John’s words from all the way around it. It became so apparent to me that listening begins with noticing…what’s happening around me…what’s happening in me…what is moving me.
Thankful. Grateful. More Fully Yours
We’re so happy to walk together on this journey of hope. Learning, imagining, reflecting, digesting…all these are responses to the words we write and read. Would you be up for a little experiment this month? Instead of us writing in prose, let’s shift our listening to the stanzas of poetry. Let’s give ourselves to moments of music that can slip past our well-thought-out words and perhaps touch emotions we sometimes don’t have words for. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I get tired of words. And with our topic of gratitude in this season of thanksgiving, it seems like a good time to try something new.