He Kept His Word

He Kept His Word

It was finished. She felt His life leave her body. Waiting anxiously to hear Him cry, she could only take deep breaths, trying to come back to some sort of physical balance. There! Exhausted she lay back overwhelmed with relief. The birth was done. This part was over....
Birth & Re-Birth

Birth & Re-Birth

SACRED PAUSE There’s not much easy about giving birth.  Few other experiences can replicate the miracle of birth and few other experiences can match birth’s requirement of being so out of control.  Zach and Noelle Slagel share their thoughts about birth and rebirth...
He Kept His Word

God’s Presence, Our Joy

But giving thanks is a sacrifice that truly honors me. If you keep to my path, I will reveal to you the salvation of God. –Psalm 50:23 NLT I love that when Elizabeth hugged Mary, baby John leapt for joy. His fetal recognition of Jesus enlivened his whole being...
He Kept His Word


Faithful is He who calls you who also will do it. –2 Thessalonians 5:24 NIV God has always been present in our lives. From his days of residing in the Temple, the symbolic heart of His people, to today where His Spirit resides in our physical hearts, He is...
Birth & Re-Birth


SACRED PAUSE What a gift to stop for a moment. To breathe deeply and relax the shoulders. Let neck muscles become unloosed, allowing the mind to unplug from all its lists and look instead at Jesus.   From Seoul, Korea, Joanna Robbins invites us to pause and “behold”...