Joining Together – Day 4 – Renew
Prayer for a Tired Branch Jesus I am one worn-out Tired branch And I need the newness Of the vine of you To start the hope-life Running...
Joining Together – Day 3 – Reorient
So many emotions flash through us as the news unfolds. Those emotions and our response to them can sort of be pictured like we’re trying to balance...
Joining Together – Day 2 – Rest
For many of us, there is now "white space" in our calendars that wasn't there before. I wonder what gifts God may have for each of us in that space?...
Joining Together – Day 1 – Reach
What if these uncertain times could become the most sacred of times? What might that be like? Pandemic What if you thought of it as the Jews...
Joining Together – Introduction
As Covid-19 continues to spread, many of us are facing dilemmas we didn’t expect. Thoughts about economic challenges, childcare predicaments, health...