Day 4 – Loss of Assumptive Belief: Who am I?
As one writer put it, we have not just been exposed to COVID, we have been exposed BY COVID. We feel out-of-control (because we are!). We cannot seem to find ourselves as we have lost jobs, focus, routine and rhythm, and can no longer function in the roles that brought us satisfaction, joy, and a sense of our place in the world.
Day 3 – Loss of Assumptive Belief: Where is God?
We didn’t see this raging COVID-19 coming. We certainly didn’t expect to be hiding out in “caves” against a relentless enemy we cannot even see. And perhaps, we made assumptions about God and our world that have been shattered. We didn’t see that coming either.
Day 2 – The Gift of Lament
When we stuff our feelings, our hearts become hard and numb. When we allow ourselves to feel them and express them, our hearts become soft and we can engage with God more authentically. Lament, then, becomes the bridge that leads us from numb disconnection to intimate connection with God and others.
Day 1 – Introduction: All Our Sorrows, All Our Griefs
In stark contrast to the hopeful image of the empty tomb that we sang about on Easter morning in our virtual churches, the empty streets of Milan, Paris, London, New York … your deserted street in your city … remind us of the deeply empty places we are still navigating in our lives as a result of COVID-19.
Joining Together – Day 30 – Present to God, Present to Others
In this journey following Christ, there are patches of road really hard to navigate. Sometimes we don’t know how to do it, and sometimes we just don’t want to. What do we do with Jesus then?
Joining Together – Day 29 – Rest
What kind of person discards their strength before going into battle? What kind of person walks in humility? Who would walk onto the battlefield without a weapon in his hand?