David – Trust in the Small Things
David was easy to overlook. He came from a large family, with older brothers who were quite impressive when they walked into a room. When the great prophet and judge Samuel came to eat with his family, they didn’t even bother to bring David in from the field. No one expected great things from David.
Abraham and Sarah – Trust in the Mundane
It had been over 20 years since God had promised Abraham and Sarah a son. Why was it taking so long? Surely God knew that they were looking like fools for trusting him. It had been easier at first. When God gave Abraham the promise of a land, a family that would become a great nation, and that all the families of the earth would be blessed through his offspring, Abraham trusted God and left Haran with his family for Canaan (Genesis 12:1-9). That first step of trust was clear.
Come Close
The verse that’s on my mine right now is “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.” As I roll the verse around in my mind I don’t get much further than “Come to me, all you who are weary….” Sure, the rest of the verse is there promising rest, but in this moment I can’t seem to get past the come to Jesus part. I can quickly skip to “and I will give you rest,” but that neglects, perhaps, the most important part of the verse. Jesus has invited me to come.
Remember Who He Is
In the morning, we pray to see God in the day and for his guidance throughout the day. In the middle of the day we pray that our actions would be established and we would work for His purpose and glory. In the evening we pray for God’s action and speak of how we wait for His hand; and, we remind ourselves — with the prayer above — that even if we can’t see what he’s up to right now, we believe that he is working. That’s how the day finishes, with an invitation to remember and trust, then rest.
Coming Back to What We Know
“There are two realities to which you must cling. First, God has promised that you will receive the love you have been searching for. And Second,...
Unexpected Rest
How often is it that we have so much going on, so much that demands our attention; and when the invitation to rest comes, we are unsure how to do it? This happens to me often. I’m coming off a busy season now and I’m angsty, irritable, physically just tired… It’s time for a pause. But now I find myself faced with the oh-so-familiar question: “How do I do that?”