

They file into the room with some trepidation, nervously excited and with surreal awareness that from this point the future begins. Graduation day, so long awaited, feels mixed – a goodbye to “before,” with all its trials and triumphs – and an open door to “next”…not...


With the whiff of “new” comes the consideration of a new dream, a new possibility, a new horizon. We have a fresh opportunity to come into a different understanding of what God’s dream in this next stretch of road might be. I love this poem that takes us into...


As I’ve been meditating on the Passion Week, I’m struck once again at the process of it all. Jesus spends 3 years unveiling Himself to the disciples. He tells them…shows them…lives in front of them this message that He’s not who they think He is, and His way is not...


Recently I’ve been thinking a lot about my reflexive actions. Too often I respond to situations or conversations with assumptions that have been true in the past, but in changing times, may not be as true now. These assumptions are so ingrained that I may not even...


Sun shining the past several days has felt so good. Warmer air, the smell of grass, birds calling to each other…change is literally in the air…change of all kinds. How tempting it is to skip through the change process to answers and activities we love. Often the work...


I am one of those TCK’s (Third Culture Kids) who, at 57 years of age, still stumbles when answering the question, “Where’s home?” Do I answer it currently, historically, emotionally, or from a family perspective? In some situation’s it’s really hard to know. For the...