Day 6 – Loss of a Loved One

Day 6 – Loss of a Loved One

My friend’s mom just died. She was half-way around the world serving in Asia while her mom was in the States. She dearly wanted to be with her mom before she died, and her siblings pleaded with her to “hurry, just hurry!” But because of COVID-19 travel restrictions,...
Day 6 – Loss of a Loved One

Day 5 – Loss of Certainty

“Mama, when can I go back to school?” I don’t know. “Are grandma and grandpa going to be okay?” I don’t know. “When will my work furlough end?” I don’t know. “When will it be safe to fly again?” I don’t know. “Will there be _______ (fill in the blank: TP, eggs, yeast,...
Day 6 – Loss of a Loved One

Day 2 – The Gift of Lament

This COVID-19 pandemic has thrust our unprepared world into a time of global trauma. Irrespective of gender, age, race, nationality, socio-economic status, religious belief or faith, COVID has burned across the face of the globe, infecting over 2,000,000 people and...