Are You Still With Me?

Are You Still With Me?

And he said, “My presence will go with you, and I will give you rest.” –Exodus 33:14 ESV The Israelites had screwed up. Not by accident either. While Moses was up on the mountain meeting with God and receiving the law, the people were down below giving way to...
Are You Still With Me?

I’ll Go With You

The Lord is indeed going before you—he will be with you; he will not fail you or abandon you. Do not be afraid or discouraged!” –Deuteronomy 31:8 NET Such simple words, but they sure do mean a lot. “I’ll go with you,” to the doctor, to talk to your kid’s...
Sacred Pause Advent Reflections

Sacred Pause Advent Reflections

Hello Everyone, Maybe you’re like us and find that when entering the Christmas season sometimes the pull of gifts, parties, connections, and caring for our communities creates some chaos and, of all things, disconnection. Of all the things we’re after in...

Living in Glad Confidence

So how do we become free? We’re aware of the longing to enter that vast, spacious expanse of Love where impossible is the norm and hope anchors the soul. But we get stuck here in what we already know…which doesn’t lead to anything vast. Consider these two thoughts: As...

Holy Play in Community

“Whoever does not dance, does not know what is coming to pass. Amen” (Saying attributed to Jesus in The Acts of St. John) –Don E. Saliers, Liturgy as Holy Play  Many thanks to Don E. Saliers for his work and thoughts on “holy play.” In our routine...