The Smile of Christ
The invitation to “come as we are” sometimes leaves us with a sense of uncertainty. There’s a wonderful freedom in the words, but how far does that freedom really reach? Whose definition are we using? That ambiguity can leave us with a little moment of unease, a hesitancy to fully take up the freedom to “be who we are” and/or “come as we are.” We don’t fully know if, or maybe better said, we don’t fully believe it will really be ok to come that raw.
Come As You Are
As we enter this season of waiting and watching, preparing, thinking of gifts others might like, I wonder what it would be like to live for a while on this idea that we are making ready for Christ.
After a Time
After a time, the farmer goes out to check on the progress of his seed. He knows each one will grow in the way it has been made. Apple seeds will yield apples, carrots will yield carrots. What he doesn’t know are the unique nuances into which each piece of fruit will become.
God Works Through the Night
This whole thing of flinging our seed into soil, not altogether sure about how it will land or where it will land…is an act of faith. Truth be told, once that seed lands, there’s not one thing we can do to ensure its growth. We can water it, pray for enough sun, ask God to hold back the frost, but apart from that – nada. Nothing to do.
The Seed Is God in You
“The seed is God in you.” I woke up this morning with that thought. Let me back up a minute. When I was first thinking about this passage (Mark 4:26-29), I pictured a person holding a bag of seeds. That person knows what kind of seeds they are, but not how many there are. They know the shape and feel of them and have a generalized idea of what that seed will become. But the specifics of what each blossom or piece of fruit will look like, and in some cases, what color will come or how healthy the harvest will be…all that is an unknown. An unknown held in their hands.
Letting Go
Each morning while I walk Riley, our dog, I’ve been snapping photos of fall foliage. This year the colors are more saturated and vibrant than they’ve been in a long time. Walking just over the rise, I come to a vineyard veritably overflowing with grapes. On my way there I pass cherry trees, blackberry bushes and random thorny berry bushes that I have no idea what they are. None of it is really manicured except for the cherry trees and grapes.