She Laughed Twice
Not much good comes of eavesdropping. In Sarah’s case, not only did she get caught, she got exposed. Deep longing, weary of standing fast, she had let go of the child dream. Arms long-empty found other things to hold. But that didn’t stop the missing, the aching, the longing for a role she could never have…mother. Her laughter on hearing the angels prophesy a son for her was a familiar composite of ache, anger, defeat, and resignation.
Longing for Hilarity
I’m coming to learn that the Greek word hilarotes has much more to do with a readiness of mind which grows from an ever-expanding appreciation for God’s never-ending gifts. This gratitude becomes the cornerstone and foundation of our spiritual life. As a bedrock of our spirituality, it must be sought, cultivated, and received before it can be given to others. I needed (and still need) God to form hilarity, humor, glee and cheerfulness in my soul.
What Lingers?
Hope has been our companion through these May spring days. Coming to the end of the month, I wonder what thought or picture might still be with you? Perhaps the connection of hope based on God’s character has stirred your thinking. Or maybe it’s the idea that hope is not so much about pain easing or the solving of problems, but rather, a growing confidence that God is up to something good in us and through us.
Everything Made New
In this current life where Jesus’ sufficiency doesn’t magically cancel my responsibility or overrule my humanity, the bedrock of my hope is in this prayer: Bless You, Holy Trinity of Love. Above all else, a God exists who is wholly good and loving. Before anything or anyone existed, God was. And He was content with holy joy; Father, Son, and Spirit living and relating in perfect harmony. This God is making everything new!
Until We Cease to Breathe
Whatever your heartache, keep praying. You don’t know the end of the story. Charles Spurgeon encouraged, “Never must we cease to pray until they cease to breathe. No case is hopeless while Jesus lives.”
Sowing Unseen Fruit
I gladly poured my life into knowing and loving our two boys. I read, taught, played, protected, challenged, lead, pursued—with the goal of shaping their hearts for God. I relished my time with them. The middle and high school years brought dark waves of concern that stretched our faith and stressed our hearts, but my husband and I clung to the hope that we would come out the other side by grace.