Life From The Center
How ironic is it that, having “left all” to follow Christ reassured of His whole presence with us, we find ourselves floundering to live from our “center” rather than our fears? Distracted by obligations, work pressures and family necessities, we struggle to find those quiet spaces where burdens may be laid down, rest found, and gaze lifted to God. But is this what constitutes “living from my center”?
Sacred Pause – Conclusion
Thanks so much for being a part of our Sacred Pause Advent series! We have so enjoyed being with you, together reflecting on the themes of Christ’s coming. Looking toward the new year, our prayer for us all is to live with expectancy rather than expectation. Happy new year to you!
God Is With Us, God Is For Us
You see, there is no place we can go that He is not there. Shall we dip down to the depths of hell? He’s there. What if we take a hard-right turn, running as far away from Him as we can get? He’s there. What about tomorrow and all the tomorrows after that? God is eternal. Time is His servant, not His master.
He Kept His Word
It was finished. She felt His life leave her body. Waiting anxiously to hear Him cry, she could only take deep breaths, trying to come back to some sort of physical balance. There! Exhausted she lay back overwhelmed with relief. The birth was done. This part was over. Jesus was alive, His cry healthy and loud, almost roaring in fact. The Lion of Judah was here. Fully present. Entrusted to their care.
Birth & Re-Birth
There’s not much easy about giving birth. Few other experiences can replicate the miracle of birth and few other experiences can match birth’s requirement of being so out of control. Zach and Noelle Slagel share their thoughts about birth and rebirth for us to ponder as we get close to Christmas Day.
God’s Presence, Our Joy
I love that when Elizabeth hugged Mary, baby John leapt for joy. His fetal recognition of Jesus enlivened his whole being with sheer delight likened to baby lambs skipping. Everything in him responded to the wonder of being in the presence of God. With no circumstantial distress to inhibit his experience, he could not help but exuberantly abandon himself to joy.