Capax Hiding
One of the joys that Scott and I have experienced since returning to the US is joining a new church full of 20- and 30-somethings. This body of believers loves Jesus and desires to grow in faith, hope and love. When we were asked to be the “gray-haired/no-haired” people of this congregation, we couldn’t say yes fast enough. One of the joys that Scott and I have experienced since returning to the US is joining a new church full of 20- and 30-somethings. This body of believers loves Jesus and desires to grow in faith, hope and love.
Capax Peace
I haven’t been sleeping well lately. In my mom’s journey with Alzheimer’s, she has begun taking midnight strolls through the house looking for my dad (deceased), or more food (from a not yet renovated kitchen), or anything else that seems vaguely familiar in her mind. We put a sensor on the door so that we would know when she was out of her room (very helpful), but now I find myself lying in bed in the middle of the night wondering if I heard a ding or movement, and then imagining what could possibly go wrong.
Making Space for Interruptions
Have you ever noticed how many stories start out with a description of a main character in a happy setting until something interrupts the plan? Adam and Eve hanging out with God in a garden, Joseph growing up in a big family with an adoring dad, Abram minding his own business in Ur…people going through their normal existence, BUT THEN…
Creating a Holy Place
Having studied architecture my first two years of university, I have always been a fan of Frank Lloyd Wright. The spaces he created still evoke emotion. His designs were purposeful without being sparse or brutal. There is a calm warmth that invades my soul whenever I see a “Wright House.”
Reality…Gratitude…Space for God
Even before I became a follower of Christ, I knew what my biggest sin was (as if there’s a “small, bigger, biggest” chart of sins—but you know what I mean): I was the kid who was always looking around at everyone else and pointing out what I didn’t have. My friend got a new bike, I wanted a new bike! My sister got to stay up late, I wanted to stay up late! The kid in the newspaper article got a citation for calling 911 when he noticed the neighbors’ house on fire, I wanted a citation . . . ! The list was endless. Envy took up a lot of space in my life.
Wrangling Monkeys
How well do you handle criticism and unwarranted attacks from others? I’m not a fan. I’d love to say that I am able to easily put others’ words into perspective, let go of what is not true, and ask for God’s help when there is truth in their words. I’ve taught this idea before, but when I am the one under the gun, all my great advice flies out the door and the monkeys come running in.