Secure in Daily Supply
Tropical storm Henri visited our neighborhood yesterday. At one point, the eye of the storm was literally over our house, according to the weather map! It turns out that this was a good place to be. The strong, swirling winds were farther out, swinging their way through other States. We endured only heavy rain and moderate winds. But we didn’t know that ahead of time, so we had prepared for the worst—being without food, water, and electricity for several days.
Secure Because of the Shepherd
When I first read the Bible as a child, I thought that the words “LORD” and “Lord” were just identical titles for God. For some reason (I figured in my young mind), God wanted to emphasize His title in the Old Testament, so He capitalized all the letters. I’ve since come to realize that “LORD” isn’t a title but a name.
Secure…No Matter What
Back in 1992 I received a poetry book for my birthday. That book was one of a few that I decided to reread this summer. What I discovered was . . . I had never actually read more than a few pages of the book! Over the years that book had become a familiar companion. It found its way all over our house – in bookshelves, on the coffee table, next to reading chairs. I couldn’t remember why I didn’t read it completely the first time around; I only know that now I felt like I was reading the lovely, fresh ideas of a newfound friend. I’m so glad I looked again at something I thought I knew. Oh, what I would have missed!
Praying in Leisure
If leisure were something which simply required better planning, most of us would do it. We’d get out calendars and make it happen. But this life of leisure needs more than a plan. It needs awakened desire. No, scratch that, it needs desire and a deeper acceptance of our humanity…an understanding of how very dusty we are (see Psalm 103).
Discovering Leisure
When we get our heads around this idea of taking leisure, what consternation to discover we don’t know how to take it! Work is so much easier. We show up, fulfill or figure out the job, do it and move on to the next thing! Because leisure is more about “want to” than “have to” it can be a bit harder to figure out sometimes. We must reach inside ourselves to discover what we like, what “rests” us, and what brings joy. And that’s what stops us. It’s a bit frustrating not to know and sometimes we feel embarrassed that we don’t know and aren’t sure how to know.
Leisure in Our Bodies as Well as Our Souls
Wouldn’t it be nice if everything stopped for a few minutes without losing momentum? Unfortunately, that old science lesson is correct. Everything in motion tends to stay in motion. Sometimes it feels to me that my life is like a hydrofoil speed boat. When the boat is speeding along, it’s lifted above the waves (so I don’t get so seasick) and provides the exhilaration of going somewhere! But, when the boat is going slow or not moving at all, the hull settles down in the water. I feel each rocking motion which messes with my stability.