Stories of Jesus…Do You Love Me?
I should have just kept my big mouth shut. If only I hadn’t promised to stay with him to the end. If only I hadn’t turned on him. If only I’d known what to say when he appeared in the room that first time. Every time I’ve seen him since he came back, I’ve felt like a big sign on my body proclaims, “This is the guy that was a lousy friend to Jesus.” No one quite knows what to say to me.
Stories of Jesus…Hometown Trouble
What was it like for Jesus to walk into His home place of worship, in His hometown, knowing that He was going to expose their hearts and disrupt their perception about who He was? He had known these people all their lives. He knew what they talked about when getting water at the well. He knew which shopkeepers dealt honestly and who didn’t. He knew from growing up with their kids what the parents were really like. He knew what was in their hearts and how they might want to use His divinity towards their own advantage.
Stories of Jesus…The Leper
It truly was a death sentence. Once diagnosed with leprosy so much was lost…home, status, welcome, the right to choose, comfort, relationship, place…all this a result of a sickness that wasn’t chosen but caught. It could not be refused. There was no cure.
Stories of Jesus…The Storm
We were tired, hot, ready to be done. Sweaty, grasping, hungry people had surrounded us all day long. The only thing greater than the incessant crowds were their relentless needs. Big needs. Small needs. Heartbreaking ones. It was all just so overwhelming. But Jesus kept us focused on what He was doing. He told them stories that you’d have to be pretty interested in to understand. We didn’t even understand all of them.
Stories of Jesus…Chosen to Go
How easy it is to get caught up in perceptions of our own abilities. Is it any wonder that Jesus always begins His training with the words, “I want you with Me”? It takes time to learn to “Give your entire attention to what God is doing right now! (Not to) get worked up about what may or may not happen tomorrow. (To learn that) God will help you deal with whatever hard things come up when the time comes” (Matthew 6:34 MSG).
Stories of Jesus…Chosen Out of the Crowd
Somewhere in the chaos, the plan changed. The boat sat unused, disregarded. Looking around Jesus said, “let’s head up the mountain.” “Is He talking about all of us? Who is going up the mountain?” Then He did something that had everyone who was aware holding their breath. One by one He called out names as He passed by. “Thaddeus. Simon. John….” Hearing Him call out names, I realize that not everyone will be going up the mountain. I start to feel strange. My heart pounds. I think I’m holding my breath.