I suppose we often remember “firsts” in our lives because they take us to unexplored territory. The first day of school. A first crush. Our first time moving away from home. I remember another first: the first time I heard someone say to me, “I love you.” Grandma Marie had swept me into a snug embrace and whispered those happy words in my ear.
I was sitting with my friend, trying to pray. She and I were volleying back and forth in our conversation with God. All at once, she began to plead with God from a place of pain. I could feel her desire and deep need for comfort. As she struggled, I thought of Jesus, sitting on His throne of mercy, listening, taking it all in.
Nobody else gets to be me. No one else will be me if I’m not.” These ideas get me out of bed in the morning. They pull me to participate in life, not just look on. For some people, they may seem weakly obvious. But they remind me of the epiphany that I am irreplaceable.
I was struggling with an upcoming life change. My husband was considering a new ministry opportunity far from anyone or anything I knew. My heart swung on a pendulum from anxiety to anticipation. As I looked for solid ground, I had an inner conversation with Jesus.
God has given me a new identity in Jesus, and His Holy Spirit lives in me. This isn’t a work-harder project. My new identity came through Jesus’ sacrificial death, burial, and resurrection. It never was and is not now based on my own goodness or self-righteousness. And that gives me hope that I can change.
During the month of January, many believers celebrate Epiphany—the holiday that commemorates the Magi’s visit to baby Jesus. Those distinguished guests with their gifts of honor became part of a drama the entire world would eventually see. A drama that first played before Mary and Joseph.