Purchase the Budapest Garden House

The Budapest Garden House (BGH) is a soul care center serving global workers through Eastern Europe, the Middle East, and Central Asia. Your gift towards the purchase and renovation of the BGH will allow us to continue offering retreats, small groups, counseling, prayer and spiritual accompaniment for approximately 300 global workers annually.

Your Giving Account

We now use Giving Fuel as our donation platform. Use the "Manage My Account" Giving Fuel button below to set up an account, access your giving history, or make changes to scheduled payments.


Manage My Account

Instructions on how to update your credit card info or recurring gift amount in our online giving system.

If you have any issues managing your online giving, contact us at giving@meintl.org or 630.580.5665 for assistance.

Give by Check


  • Make your check payable to "Ministry Essentials"
  • Include a separate note with the name of the MEI Staff member or project you wish to support
  • Mail your note and check to:
    Ministry Essentials Int'l
    PO Box 4947
    Wheaton IL  60189-4947

Want to Donate Stock?

If you wish to make a stock donation to a MEI ministry fund, please contact us for instructions at giving@meintl.org.

NOTE: If the giving form above is not working correctly,
you can also GIVE NOW here on the GivingFuel site.

PO Box 4947 Wheaton, IL 60189-4947 USA

(630) 580-5750
