In Peace

In Peace

“Are we next?” Sitting behind a locked door (which in actuality would not keep anyone out), conversation paused each time someone passed by the door. Emotions, too weighty for words, sat heavily in the room. What was going on? The women say Jesus has risen from the...
In Peace

In Authenticity

When Jesus came to Mary in the garden after his resurrection, it’s hard for me to understand why she didn’t recognize him. She had been around him, knew his form, his smell, his humor, his passion…and despite all that, she didn’t recognize him until he spoke her name....
In Peace

In Meekness

He just took it. The misuse of power…the calculated baiting…the mockery. When they tried to trick him into a self-damning confession, he said nothing. When the system of justice proved once and for all to be broken irrevocably, he let them take him. When Peter saved...
In Peace

In Vigil

Sitting on the floor outside her hospital room, the three girls whispered, afraid to disturb the patient. Listening to each noisy breath, they whispered so voices would not obscure any new sound. When the breathing faltered, their whispers ceased. When breathing...
In Peace

In Faith

“Where shall we prepare the Passover meal for everyone?”  It was a simple question. So why did it need a detailed, seven-part answer? I read it again. And again. What am I missing here? Obvious observations and applications immediately stand out to me: The disciples...