by Jeanni Shepherd | Jun 23, 2020 | Holy Hilarity!
Really, to know what true, glad confidence looks like, we need to look at Jesus…which may have some of us scratching our heads. The mystery of Him as fully divine yet fully human is confusing and abstract. It’s hard to know how to think about that! Imagining Christ as...
by Jeanni Shepherd | Jun 19, 2020 | Holy Hilarity!
This life of wholly giving ourselves to the way God made us and to what He’s made us for really messes with us sometimes. There’s just no way to give thoroughly without also being seen thoroughly. And we get real worried about that. Therefore, much of our energy goes...
by Jeanni Shepherd | Jun 16, 2020 | Holy Hilarity!
I love Psalm 107’s picture of sailors heading to open ocean. Minding their own business, doing their job, they head out despite dark sky and choppy seas. But soon a storm comes up with hurricane-force winds and monstrously high waves. In all their years, they’ve not...
by Jeanni Shepherd | Jun 12, 2020 | Holy Hilarity!
You never saw him, yet you love him. You still don’t see him, yet you trust him—with laughter and singing. Because you kept on believing, you’ll get what you’re look forward to: total salvation. –I Peter 1:8-9 MSG Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus, is a...
by Jeanni Shepherd | Jun 9, 2020 | Holy Hilarity!
“’…You’re going to look at this place, these empty and desolate towns of Judah and streets of Jerusalem, and say, ‘A wasteland. Unlivable. Not even a dog could live here.’ But the time is coming when you’re going to hear laughter and celebration, marriage...