by Jeanni Shepherd | Jun 4, 2021 | Keep It...
We were young and didn’t know better. That’s all I can say. My girlfriend and I, full of ideas of how to make people feel welcome in our home, had such detailed plans for what we would do that no one could have done it all. Guest rooms would be scented, chocolates...
by Jeanni Shepherd | Jun 1, 2021 | Keep It...
You’ve Got Mail has been a favorite movie of ours for a long time. Aside from being charming, quirky, and fun, it’s infinitely quotable. We love that. Especially the one when Meg Ryan’s character (whose bookshop has just been put out of business by a big chain...
by Jeanni Shepherd | May 28, 2021 | When Change Comes
They file into the room with some trepidation, nervously excited and with surreal awareness that from this point the future begins. Graduation day, so long awaited, feels mixed – a goodbye to “before,” with all its trials and triumphs – and an open door to “next”…not...
by Jeanni Shepherd | May 25, 2021 | When Change Comes
With the whiff of “new” comes the consideration of a new dream, a new possibility, a new horizon. We have a fresh opportunity to come into a different understanding of what God’s dream in this next stretch of road might be. I love this poem that takes us into...
by Jeanni Shepherd | May 21, 2021 | When Change Comes
As I’ve been meditating on the Passion Week, I’m struck once again at the process of it all. Jesus spends 3 years unveiling Himself to the disciples. He tells them…shows them…lives in front of them this message that He’s not who they think He is, and His way is not...