Cultivating Leisure

Cultivating Leisure

 There should be in the soul halls of space, avenues of leisure and high porticos of silence, where God walks. –Jeremy Taylor Sentences like this wake up my imagination. Vivid colors take me to “avenues of leisure” and “porticos of silence.” A Rivendell type...
Cultivating Leisure

Taking Leisure

Leisure. Now there’s a word that connects with pictures! Walking slowly down a quiet, forested lane while taking in earthy sun-dappled green. Slowly sipping darkly roasted coffee, bitterly rich yet sweet. Enjoying a “down the rabbit hole” conversation with a friend...
Unmasking Confidence

Unmasking Confidence

I love that confidence comes not in spite of our weaknesses, but because of them. The great gift that we are all still learning to receive is the depth and breadth of God’s love. When we begin to get more comfortable living through the weak places rather than covering...
Unmasking Confidence

Unmasking Transformation

“In all this, he is preparing you to be more fully his and to receive more from him than ever before. And for this to be possible, one has to renounce faith in one’s own strength and energy and let go of the supports one has had up to now.” Unmasking beliefs, letting...
Unmasking Confidence

Unmasking Hope

There’s this thing we all have in common as humans…we don’t like to be found wanting. When a need is placed before us, we like to meet it. When an opportunity comes our way, we like to take it. Meeting the challenges of life internally and externally is a deep value...