Leisure in Our Bodies as Well as Our Souls

Leisure in Work

I didn’t really understand why the associations with “leisure” offend many in vocational Christian service until recently, today in fact. I’ve understood the struggle of it. That whole Mary/Martha dilemma – do I sit, or do I work? I get why many don’t take leisure…the...
Leisure in Our Bodies as Well as Our Souls

Thoughtful Responders

Wow, there’s a lot of text out there about how leisure and work relate to each other! I can sum it up for you: Taking time off work, having hobbies as well as a life outside of work greatly adds positivity and productivity to your life. In a shorter sentence, “Don’t...
Leisure in Our Bodies as Well as Our Souls

Leisure in Relationship

Way back when, David and I were working through some significant marriage stuff. Newly graduated with counseling degrees, our earnest effort to find the truth and implement it got a little out of hand. To make sure we were fixing the issues (and who was right and who...
Leisure in Our Bodies as Well as Our Souls

Leisurely Relating

Do have a friend with whom talking is a delight? Someone who takes the time to wander with you through the ideas in your head and isn’t put off by the things found in your heart? When you find that person – it’s a rare gift, one to be treasured. I can say with a great...