Sustained Impact – Ministry Essentials

Ministry Essentials

Total Need:  $67,000

As we seek to revitalize workers toward an unhindered Gospel, MEI has four objectives:

  • Establish a strong organizational culture and infrastructure.
  • Release workers into strategic locations
  • Create missional communities.
  • Cultivate solid mission partners.

This year we are circling back to our first objective. Establish a strong infrastructure.

To safeguard and stay current with the needs of the times, we rewrote and updated our policy manual this year. Some key items such as holy sexuality, processes of dealing with conflict, and clarifying our status as a religious organization in the state of Texas required legal help.

Cost: $17,000

Organizational growth (6 families in 3 years) catapulted us forward and an administrative assistant became necessary to keep our Core Team (Guiding Director, Developing Director, and Managing Director) from being a bottleneck as we moved forward.

Cost: $10,000

Our giving was “flat” this year. When you take out the larger projects, we are close to where we were a year ago. However, we have grown! But our funding has not expanded with us; thus our 7% admin fee is no longer enough. Because we would much rather keep the bulk of individually raised donations going to the field and making an impact there, we are asking God to raise the funds to make up the difference. We therefore want to fund our operational overhead with funds donated for that purpose. If we were to raise the admin fee to meet the current growth, we would need to increase the fee to 13%.  It is too big a jump for our folks.

Any unrestricted funds given to this need would cover outsourced accounting and donation processing fees; corporate insurance; website; memberships; fund development; marketing; and fees for programs and apps to run ministry) and a portion of Staff Gatherings & Development costs.  In other words, a strong platform from which to launch global work around the world.

Cost: $40,000

Total Need: $67,000
What is the impact of such a strong infrastructure?


Sustained Presence:

  • 1996 MEI Established = 27 years old
  • 21 Families
    • Living in 7 Countries (Albania, Bosnia, Croatia Hungary, UK, Canada, USA)
    • 3 Nationalities (American, British, Croatian)

2022 Stats:

  • 988 Workers Served
  • 161 Agencies & Churches Supported
  • 80+ Countries Reached
  • 34 Soul Care Providers


Financial Numbers

$1,625K in Total Expenses (6% more than 2021)

  • $123K Operations Expenses
  • $1,425K            Program Expenses
  • $59K                  Fundraising Expenses

$1,607K in Total Revenue (10% more than 2021)

$18K    Difference


2023 Stats:

  • Estimated $2.0 Million total budget for 2024
  • 7% Admin Fee to generate an estimated $125K for Operations.
  • $149K Operations Budget (includes outsourced accounting and donation processing fees; corporate insurance; website; memberships; fund development; marketing; and fees for programs and apps to run ministry) and a portion of Staff Gatherings & Development costs.
  • $150K Current unrestricted cash reserves



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When I Think of MEI


Would you give a one-time gift toward this need?


$39,000 Raised for MEI

PO Box 4947 Wheaton, IL 60189-4947 USA

(630) 580-5750