Nicole Paschall
Ministry Essentials Staff
My Story:
My husband Matt and I recently celebrated 30 years of marriage and ministry together, 18 of those years have been living overseas as global workers. We first learned language and lived in West Africa for seven years, then moved to Hungary. Following a particularly dark season during our first term in Africa, I knew I needed soul healing but did not have the tools even after years of church ministry, Bible school and training, and decades of following Jesus. Through delving into spiritual formation and exploring practices and rhythms of grace, God lovingly met me and my soul was awakened in a new way to the love and care he offers.
I learned to engage in practices such as lectio divina and the prayer of examen that brought life and renewal of relationship to my dry soul. In essence I encountered my own heart, God’s heart and the hearts of others in deeper and transformational ways. It not only revitalized my walk with Jesus but changed me and my relationships foundationally. Not long after this intense season of healing, I realized this was what I wanted to do as a vocation- to walk with leaders in continued spiritual formation.
As we returned to West Africa, I pursued training in spiritual direction and eventually enrolled in Bethel Seminary’s Masters of Ministry degree with a concentration in Spiritual Formation. For several years after graduating, I taught spiritual formation and relational spirituality at Bethel Seminary. I loved walking with students who were in all sorts of ministries as they explored their own hearts, families of origin, and spiritual stories, in order to experience God’s love in transformational ways.
Now I am two years into my Doctor of Ministry degree at George Fox University in Leadership and Spiritual Formation. I am specifically researching walking alongside seasoned global workers in holistic care, working to produce resources and experiences for sustained spiritual and personal formation in the later midlife stage of life.
For years now, I have come alongside Jeanni Shepherd at The Budapest Garden House as we offer soul care to global workers by providing retreats, resources, and experiences specifically geared to care for the soul. I enjoy writing spiritual exercises and providing spiritual retreats and forums consisting of training in areas of spiritual formation for the global worker. I remember the healing God brought so vividly, and hope to expose other global workers to the same eye-opening and heart-softening experience and then walk with them as they ask new and deeper questions of their hearts and relationships.
My Ministry:
We do not know God by thinking, but by encountering.
-John of the Cross
There are unique challenges in the life of the global ministry leader, and I have lived through many of them. Yet in those challenges, I encountered God’s heart for me in a new way. For the past 15 years, I have been committed to further education and then the practical ministry of walking with global ministry leaders in the ongoing care of their souls.
This journey looks like the deepening of the global worker’s understanding of mature faith and experience of spiritual formation by integrating the truth of Scripture with the place they find themselves. It includes exploring spiritual leadership and walking with global workers in creating a sustainable path to pass on spiritual leadership to the next generation. And it looks like tending to the soul of global leaders with intention, expertise, and care by offering a holistic plan for sustained spiritual formation.
Learning to integrate the joys and losses of global work in a way that is holistic is a spiritual task for the global leader. There is great hope in moving forward in deeper relationship with Jesus, yet there is a journey to get there. I am committed to walking with global workers in contextual and holistic spiritual formation to see God’s people thrive and God’s kingdom grow here on earth.