Who We Are Looking For
As a values-based community, and as a spiritual formation agency that welcomes Christ-centered faiths, we are governed by the Biblical values and worldview captured in our creed and supporting documents (see Who We Are for a summary). Our ultimate purpose is to see Christ fully formed in every Christian global worker and their families.
Ministry Essentials Int’l (MEI) Ministry Staff and Associate Staff offer essential support to Christian global workers and their families through soul care (such as counseling, spiritual accompaniment, spiritual retreats, team building, assessments, leader development, and resources) and/or facilitate the work of soul care as an organization.
Because our purpose is to see Christ fully formed in every Christian global worker, it is imperative that our Ministry Staff are also growing in Christ, moving toward relational holiness (see Colossians 1:21-29;1 Peter 1:13-15; 2 Peter 1:3-11; and our summary in our Field Manual). Therefore, we take seriously Paul’s instruction to Christian leaders and their families as qualifications for ministry as a framework for relational holiness (1 Timothy 3:1-13, Titus 1:6-11, 2:1-10).
Preliminary Qualifications
- As we try to place staff in regions where global workers live overseas, capable of learning languages (at least survival language)
- Training in the Bible, Pastoral Ministry, Spiritual Formation, Counseling, or related field
- Possess a strong desire to pour life into Christian leaders
- Ability to reach and teach a diverse group of people
- Spiritually maturing Christian in agreement with the MEI creed, ethos, and core values; and committed to the purpose, mission, and vision of MEI
- If married, the spouse must be in full support of the family joining MEI; be in agreement with the MEI creed, ethos, and core values; and be committed to the purpose, mission, and vision of MEI
- Able to raise and maintain any required financial support for personal and ministry expenses
- Personal ministry calling and desire fit into one of MEI’s current platforms of providing soul care:
- Community Development (hospitality, small groups, prayers groups, worship events)
- Leadership Development (coaching, mentoring, team building)
- Counseling (individual, marriage, debriefs, psychological evaluation, care in context)
- Spiritual Accompaniment (spiritual retreats, spiritual friendship, discipleship)
Preferred Training and Qualifications
- At least a BA in one of the above-mentioned fields
- Masters level training in Counseling or Spiritual Formation
- Certified training in Spiritual Accompaniment or lay counseling
- At least 3 years of ministry experience in the above-mentioned fields
- Overseas experience as a TCK, short termer, volunteer work, or internships
Application Process
In most situations, we follow this process:
- Submit a completed Interest Form.
- MEI Leadership Team will review your form and determine whether we wish to schedule a further conversation about your interest and begin building a relationship.
- HR Coordinator will send a formal ministry application form at the direction of the Leadership Team. The ministry application process will include a need for references, at least one temperament assessment (including a follow-up with the assessor), and a background check. All applicant information will remain confidential and seen only by the HR Coordinator and Hiring Team as needed.
- A personal visit by the applicant(s) with the MEI Directors in Budapest, Hungary will be scheduled (several days is preferred). In some cases, it may be possible to arrange an initial visit in the U.S. instead of Hungary, depending on the applicant and MEI Director’s schedule.
- Our process will include at least three interviews in person by members of the Hiring Team members, or via video calls if necessary.
- There may be follow-up as needed from the previous steps.
- Once all of the above steps are complete, the MEI Hiring Team and the applicant will enter a week of discernment. If it seems God is moving everyone forward, an acceptance letter will follow a personal call from someone on the Hiring Team. If there is a sense of God asking MEI or the applicant to wait, the hiring process will be put on hold and further conversations will be scheduled.