Tag! Jesus Is It!
In other words, Jesus’ yoke is designed perfectly to fit our needs; it’s tailor-made so that we become like Him. “Light” means “light in weight, agile, not burdensome, or overbearing.” It’s not that Jesus’ yoke demands less of us, but His yoke is light because He bears the greater part of the load. We’re yoked with Him, not trudging the path on our own.
Love Lives in My House
No matter what trouble or pain fear conjures up, Love is never surprised, never immobilized by doubt. When I am one (or both) of these things, He gently takes my hands in His own and calmly speaks short instructions, as though talking to a half-witted child: I’m here. Look at Me. Let Me hold you. Come to Me. Rest. Listen. It won’t be long now. Don’t be afraid. Trust Me. I love you.
Peace to You, and to Your Helpers
David needed peace as he began to lead God’s divided people, and he needed help! God had chosen David to be king, so it’s not surprising that He offered David help and said so openly. But how reassuring it must have been to hear those words spoken! David could rightly say, “This I know, that God is for me” (Psalm 56:9).
Jesus Cannot Cease to Love Me
I am caught by the sturdiness of the thought: Jesus cannot cease to love. It’s who He is. No matter my life’s circumstances or my weaknesses, He loves me. He has from eternity past, and He will into the future with no end. Nothing rests on me. Everything rests on Him. What a relief! This foundation of unwavering, devoted love is the root of all my hope.
Jesus, My Healer
Given the choice between 2019 and 2020, I would choose 2020, hands down. While 2020 has not proven to be a great year, by any standard, there is the sense in which, “we’re all in this together.” Of course, I could be wrong, but I think there’s something about this pandemic experience that bolsters our sense of shared humanity and community. For years to come we’ll start sentences with, “Do you remember when …” and we will all remember when.
Jesus, My Friend
The decision to move back to the U.S., made 6 months before, was not a particularly hard decision to make. Our reality and the needs of others were pretty straightforward, and the Lord seemed to be confirming His leading through it all. The process of leaving, on the other hand, was excruciating.