Wonderfully Natural
I can view my daily life with God as a journey where I follow His leading, ask for His wisdom, and depend on His power. I’m the disciple; He’s the Teacher. I’m the sheep; He’s the Shepherd. I’m the child; He’s the Father. All of these images are biblical, but they aren’t the whole story.
Grace Gifts
I was talking on the phone with my sister-in-law. “We’re saved by grace, but then duty takes over. It’s like we believe that in order to hear ‘Well done,’ it’s a lot of work and little play. No savoring the good things in life,” she lamented.
Got Grit?
In 2016, Angela Duckworth published her research-based book Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance. It instantly hit the New York Times bestseller list. Its popularity came from Duckworth’s theory that success isn’t defined so much by talent as it is by passion pursued with perseverance.
One Day at a Time
“Mindfulness” is a popular word these days. The dictionary defines it as “a mental state achieved by focusing one’s awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one’s feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations.”
Running with the Pack
Before the arthritis in my knees became a problem, I jogged for exercise. My goal was to run a 5K. I bought good running shoes, clothing that wicks away water, a fanny pack for my phone, and downloaded a running app to keep track of my pace and distance. I had fun—truly. I enjoy the sensation of running.
Job’s Advice
Someday we’ll have the opportunity to meet people of faith described in the Bible. I don’t know how we’ll get to know each other, but I can imagine sharing a love of poetry with Habakkuk, talking to Mary (sister of Martha), sharing experiences in ministry with Priscilla. But I’ll admit that Job intimidates me. How in the world did he endure hell unleashed and remain “steadfast”?