God has always been present in our lives. From his days of residing in the Temple, the symbolic heart of His people, to today where His Spirit resides in our physical hearts, He is present. But we don’t see Him physically.
What a gift to stop for a moment. To breathe deeply and relax the shoulders. Let neck muscles become unloosed, allowing the mind to unplug from all its lists and look instead at Jesus. From Seoul, Korea, Joanna Robbins invites us to pause and “behold” Jesus, to pay close attention to the wonder of Him. That’s where we find our deepest desires…that’s where we find Him.
Where It All Begins
This morning didn’t begin very well. It didn’t get better as the day progressed either. In fact, it got worse. You know what it’s like…as if the relevant parts of your world decide to be difficult all at the same time.
Do You Know What You’re Doing?
Dropping into Revelation 5, we find an unfolding scene of intense, heartfelt worship. The One seated on the throne pulls out a scroll. Upon seeing it, a great, thundering angel voice blasts the question, “Is there anyone qualified to open this sacred scroll?” No one stepped forward and the weeping…the despair began. The scroll contained the world’s emerging…the prophecies, the desolation, the redemption. No mere human would be worthy, in all respects, to know what to do with the information.
Darkness & Light
We’re so glad to have you back with us today. The days are passing quickly…too quickly! It’s a good time to stop and pause, letting the truth of Jesus wash over us.
As you listen to David and Jeanni Shepherd reflect aloud about Light and Darkness, we pray your heart will stir, reminded of the Light that shines on us, around us and in us and through us.
Who Is It That Is With Me?
My breath sawed in and out, finally slowing down several minutes after being in the tree. I felt fidgety-excited, nervous…hopeful. But for what? I really couldn’t say. Probably some lame thought that Jesus would look up, see me and recognize me somehow. Then everyone would see…what? That I’m not really so bad? That I’m really trying hard to do what’s right?