Unmasking Love
You know that feeling when you want to say something but don’t because you’re afraid it will be the wrong thing? It’s kind of like being in a caravan of cars and getting stuck at a red light. A little worried at being left behind, our foot hovers over the gas pedal so we can immediately go when the light turns green. The light turns green, and we press the gas pedal only to have the car sputter and stall. Heart pounding, thoughts racing, anxiety rising, we evaluate how to get the car going again.
For months now many of us have complained, strained against, ranted about, and generally disliked the practice of wearing masks! We wore them knowing that a.) we want to protect those around us as well as ourselves and b.) because the authorities over us asked us to. I’m not saying we did it with joy…but we did it…for 15 long months. Some countries are wearing them still, as yet another wave or strain of covid hits their people. Mask days aren’t over for them. But as of July 3, 2021, masks are no longer mandatory here in Hungary.
Keep It…Good: You Are What You Dwell On
I have been a Trekker for as long as I can remember. (Interestingly, I was born within a few days of the first episode of Star Trek being shown on CBS back in 1966.) Star Trek greatly influenced me and my perspective, especially when it came to science fiction. The idea of a utopian future on a cool ship with lots of cool gadgets was…fascinating! My model of leadership was Captain Kirk who always seemed to intuitively know what to do (including when to violate the Prime Directive).
Keep It…Good: Implanted Goodness
Have you ever had someone ask, “Are you being good?” I usually reply, “Most of the time!” This casual comment reveals a deeper reality. While the definition of “good” may differ to some degree based on who asks it, there seems to be an expectation that we all should strive to be “good.” There also seems to be an assumption that we can achieve that goal. Yet the Bible is clear that we all fall short of the glory (goodness) of God (Romans 3:23). So, are we destined to always fail?
Keep It…Fun: Inviting God In
I’ve always struggled with having fun. Not that I don’t want to have fun, mind you; I struggle with the concept of having fun. There’s a tremendous amount of pressure I feel when I’m supposed to be having fun: Will I feel satisfied when this is over, or will I feel loss? If I feel loss, even though it was fun in the moment, the moment is over so quickly and the loss lingers.
Keep It…Fun: To Everything There Is a Season
We left for a multi-leg trip, beginning in St. Louis to see my husband’s family…they surprised me by taking me to the Polish Pottery Shop in St. Charles (it’s an addiction) …a time to laugh! After a night we left St. Louis and drove to Kansas City to visit dear friends and a supporting church to present what we do…a time to plant. Then we performed the wedding of a wonderful couple we’ve come to love in Kansas City…a time to dance!