Law & Grace
Coming of age, the young boy lets his father know that it’s time to strike out on his own. “Give me my inheritance so I can make my mark in the world” (Luke 15:11-12, my paraphrase). So, the father divided his property and the boy left home. Squandering his father’s hard work and goodness, this kid spent everything he had on wild living ending up with a job feeding pigs and not enough pay to even feed himself.
Led by the Spirit
Baptized and blessed by the Father (Matthew 3:17), Jesus is led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tested. Why would God do that? We know this kind of testing (which included tempting) is akin to testing one’s mettle—to see what someone is made of. But in Jesus’ case, whose benefit was the testing for? Regardless of our speculation, we know Jesus was led into the wilderness to be tested. How do you feel about that?
Dependability. Hospitality. Friendship. Courage. Openness. Curiosity. Nurture. Aside from all of them being heart habits to cultivate, can you guess what each has in common with the other?
Yep, you guessed it. Risk.
Webster defines dependability as, “the quality of being trustworthy and reliable.” In other words, “coming through” on what you say you will do. This quality is nothing on its own but takes its importance from another word: “relationship.” Without relationship, does it matter if you show up? If it doesn’t mean anything to someone, does it matter if you keep your word or not? See what I mean? Relationship is the context that gives dependability meaning.
Hospitality is an old-fashioned concept that speaks to the pain in our broken world. In a world where life has become increasingly disconnected and impersonal, the ritual and reality of welcoming those in need, or those on their way to a place, or those who have been displaced often gets lost. The ritual part of welcoming is as varied as cultures and families. But the reality is the same the world over.
Books and articles on friendship are available everywhere. Greeting card sentiments, cute emoji’s, books on boundaries and the differences in friend circles all readily available. So why talk about friendship? For that matter, why put it on a list of heart habits to cultivate?