Jean (& Rob) Gill
Ministry Essentials Staff
My Story:
My husband, Rob, and I met in Tokyo in the summer of 1980. After our marriage the following year, we spent 21 years as missionaries in Japan.
During our years working and raising our family on the field, we saw first-hand the importance of the emotional and spiritual health of global workers. We observed that missionaries often have excellent skills in theology, missions, and church planting, but it’s their hearts and lives that often have the greatest impact on the national church. Overworked, striving, and spiritually stagnant missionaries will unwittingly reproduce these same qualities into the national leaders with whom they work. But missionaries who attend to their own souls often have a greater capacity to reproduce spiritual depth and vitality into the national church and its leaders.
Since 2003 our ministry has focused on the spiritual formation of global workers, especially those serving in under-resourced areas of the world.
Rob and I are both graduates of Fuller Theological Seminary. I have an MA in Global Leadership, trained as a ministry coach through Creative Results Management, and am a certified Spiritual Director and Ignatian Exercises Director through SoulFormation in Portland, OR.
Rob and I have two adult TCK children, both born and raised in Japan.
My Ministry:
My passion is to walk beside global workers on the field, creating safe space and providing resources to foster greater intimacy in their relationship with Christ so they serve from a place of deep rootedness in Him.
In 2007 we founded Journey Deeper to provide yearlong, community-based spiritual formation cohorts serving global workers in under-resourced areas of the world. Over the past 15 years, we have traveled four times each year, primarily to Southeast and South Asia, and have trained more than 550 workers from 95 mission organizations and 40 sending nations.
I also serve global workers by offering spiritual direction and leading groups through the Ignatian Spiritual Exercises.