Todd & Liana Corbin
Ministry Essentials Staff
Our Story:
Being the children of pastors, Todd and his wife, Liana, are no strangers to ministry and the joys and challenges that kind of life brings. Both Todd and Liana attended Christian universities and went directly into teaching upon graduation.
It was during those teaching years that Todd began taking his students on summer mission trips around the world. This is also how he met Liana. They were married in 1993, and have 2 young adult sons, Austin and Dylan.
For over 30 years now, Todd has been in missions. Liana has been by his side for almost all of those years. The Corbins served 10 of those years in Budapest, Hungary, and they currently live in Clayton, North Carolina.
Our Ministry:
The Corbins have a real passion for teens and young adults and have been investing in that age group their entire married life.
Liana is also a 4th grade teacher in a local public school, where, because of raising two boys who attended national school in a foreign country, she has a unique ministry to families from various countries around the world.
During their years in Hungary, the Corbins saw how easily the kids of missionaries can be overlooked. This can lead to these young people making devastating choices, and ultimately causing their parents to leave the field. As a person who really struggled as a pastor’s kid, Todd has a unique ability to understand and connect with these third culture kids in a way many others couldn’t. His passion is to come alongside missionary kids and journey with them from their teen years into adulthood.