Our Mission
Our MISSION is to JOIN Christian leaders in their journey of faith, CHALLENGE their assumptions about God and life and IGNITE a deeper hope in Him.
Join the Journey
When the invitation comes to join someone in their journey, it is both joy and delight. What follows are conversations intentionally looking for what God might be up to in this one’s life. Whether the conversation is a standalone or one of many, the hope is the same—to communicate the presence of God through human companionship and the “being with” that He so freely offers to us.
“You are not forgotten. Even though you are overlooked in many things, I have not forgotten you. Here’s how to live in the meantime…the big questions can wait until it’s time…I will live today reassured that I am not forgotten. I want more, but this is enough. I feel satisfied.”
– a global worker in Hungary
Challenge Assumptions
If we were to just leave our togetherness at physical presence we would miss much of the joy. Larry Crabb says, “Nothing is so powerful as looking bad in the presence of Love.” As we spend time together, cracks start to show, tempers flare, bothersome questions come forward, and pain—carefully held alone—begins to ask to be shared. We don’t look so good anymore. What sacred space this is. It’s when we begin to see how broken we really are that the Gospel begins to become more dear, more relevant, more ours.
“This has been surprising for me. I feel a disconnect with the disappointment and broken dreams of how I view God. I’m so angry or mad – I’m not even sure which. I realize I don’t bring God into my circle of pain. I’m not even sure how to do that.”
– a global worker in Albania
Ignite Hope
As we pass through new revelations and discoveries about ourselves and God, the repentant path leads to hope. Our hope is not so tangible as circumstances improving, although that is certainly our desire. Instead, our hope is now growing in the belief that no matter what happens to me and mine, God will do something with it that makes me look more like Him.
“I didn’t get big picture answers today, but I did get closeness with God again. He very much pressed on my heart to be patient with myself and others. For me, that was really good.”
– a global worker in Romania