Davor & Sandra Kukec
Ministry Essentials Associate Staff
Our Story:
Sandra and I have been together since we were 15, with all the ups and downs of teenage love, character differences, and dysfunctional families.
Thankfully, the Lord met Davor on a bus, transformed his heart and, as he shared his new love with Sandra, she fell in love with God as well. Our relationship started to change as a result of this dramatic encounter. Close friends and family noticed the transformation and they started asking questions. That gave us a very natural way to share the Gospel using the language of a relationship. At that time, as the Lord was changing us, our family, and friends, we experienced His calling to full-time ministry. In preparation for the ministry, God led us to the US, where Davor received his degree in marriage/family counseling and education while Sandra got her degree in Biblical studies at the Southeastern Bible College in Birmingham, AL (now incorporated into Carolina University, Salem, NC).
After finishing our education, we returned back to Croatia with our two boys, joined CRU, and started working in the FamilyLife ministry, which our dear friends Scott and Jayne Cuidon started. Several years down the road, they handed the ministry helm to us, and we have been developing and resourcing ministries in Croatia, Slovenia, Macedonia and Serbia.
After 22 years with CRU, we have decided to join MEI in order to narrow our focus, go deeper with couples, and come alongside global workers, providing a safe place, counsel, and rest.
We live close to Zagreb, the capital of Croatia, and have one son in college and another that just got married and blessed us with a beautiful daughter-in-law.
Our Ministry:
Sandra and I will be joining our good friends and team members at MEI, Scott and Jayne Cuidon, in leading retreats with The Barnabas Zentrum, providing help, rest, counsel and support for global workers. It is a twelve-day retreat-based approach, where pastors, missionaries, and Christian leaders across the globe can experience God in a fresh way, look deeper into their soul, and restore love for God, their marriage, and ministry.
In between the Barnabas Zentrum retreats, we will be working with couples in the region, bringing them closer to God and to each other, by offering biblical counseling and discipleship.